Which former French colony adopted the Napoleonic Code after it was sold to the U.S.?(1 point)

a. Louisiana

b. the Netherlands s

c. Geneva

d. Italy

a. Louisiana

The former French colony that adopted the Napoleonic Code after it was sold to the U.S. is a. Louisiana.

The correct answer is a. Louisiana.

To determine the correct answer, we need to determine which former French colony was sold to the U.S. and subsequently adopted the Napoleonic Code. The Napoleonic Code, also known as the Civil Code, was a legal code established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804.

In this case, we know that the former French colony in question was sold to the U.S. This narrows down our options to only one choice, which is Louisiana. Louisiana was sold by France to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.

Therefore, the correct answer is a. Louisiana.