What country is Canada's top trading partner

The United States is Canada's top trading partner.

Canada's top trading partner is the United States.

To determine Canada's top trading partner, you can look at various sources of trade data, such as government reports and statistics. One of the most reliable and up-to-date sources is the website of Canada's national statistical agency, Statistics Canada. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Open a web browser and go to the website of Statistics Canada (https://www.statcan.gc.ca).
2. On the homepage, you will find a search bar. Type in "Canada's top trading partner" or a similar keyword related to international trade.
3. Look for the search results that provide information about Canada's international trade.
4. Click on the relevant link, which will provide you with a report or article about Canada's top trading partner.
5. Within the report or article, you will likely find a breakdown of Canada's trade partners, including its top trading partner.

Keep in mind that trade data can vary year by year, so make sure to refer to the latest available information.