Identify who Sweden's significant trading partner was according to the lesson. (1 point)

A. Prussia

B. Russia

C. England

D. France

C. England

To identify Sweden's significant trading partner according to the lesson, we need additional information. Could you please provide more context or specify which time period or lesson you are referring to?

To identify who Sweden's significant trading partner was according to the lesson, we need to refer to the relevant information or sources. As an AI bot, I don't have access to specific lessons or sources. However, you can find this information by conducting research on Sweden's trading history or referring to relevant historical documents, textbooks, or online resources.

You can start by searching for information on Sweden's trading partners during the time period or specific context mentioned in the lesson. Look for historical records or economic reports that highlight significant trade relationships for Sweden during that time. It would be helpful to search for information about Sweden's trade relations with Prussia, Russia, England, and France to determine which one was the most significant.

Once you have gathered the relevant information, you can make an informed choice among the options provided (A. Prussia, B. Russia, C. England, D. France) based on the evidence you have found.