Identify who Sweden’s significant trading partner was according to the lesson.(1 point) Responses Prussia Prussia Russia Russia England England France


To identify Sweden's significant trading partner according to the lesson, we need to look for relevant information in the lesson materials. A good approach is to review the lesson text or any accompanying charts, graphs, or tables that provide information about Sweden's trading partners.

If the lesson explicitly mentions Sweden's trading partner, we can look for keywords like "significant," "main," "major," or similar terms to help identify the answer quickly.

In this case, the options provided are Prussia, Russia, England, and France. Based on the lesson, we should search for information about the significant trading partner of Sweden among these options.

Once you have located the relevant information in the lesson, you can identify Sweden's significant trading partner by comparing it with the options provided.

According to the lesson, Sweden's significant trading partner was England.

Which of the following best identifies the starting point for the expansion of the Russian Empire? (1 point) Responses St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Persia Persia Moscow Moscow China

St. Petersburg