Which of these civilizations traded with India during the 1400s?

Axum Empire
Swahili Coast
United States

During the 1400s, the civilizations that traded with India were Britain (through the British East India Company), the Swahili Coast (including city-states like Kilwa and Mombasa), and the Axum Empire (located in the present-day region of Ethiopia). The United States, on the other hand, did not exist as a civilization during the 1400s.

During the 1400s, several civilizations were engaged in trade with India. To determine which of the listed civilizations traded with India during this time, we can analyze their historical interactions.

1. Britain: During the 1400s, Britain had not yet established significant trade routes with India. British involvement and trade with India primarily began in the 1600s, with the establishment of the East India Company.

2. Axum Empire: The Axum Empire, located in present-day Ethiopia and Eritrea, had established maritime trade routes with various regions, including India. However, it should be noted that by the 1400s, the Axum Empire had already declined and lost much of its trading power.

3. Swahili Coast: The Swahili Coast, encompassing the East African regions of present-day Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique, had extensive trade connections with India during the 1400s. This region was a hub for trade by both Arab and East African merchants. Indian goods, such as textiles, spices, and beads, were traded along the Swahili Coast, while various commodities, including gold, ivory, and slaves, were exported to India.

4. United States: The United States did not exist as a nation during the 1400s; therefore, it did not have any direct trade links with India during this time.

In conclusion, out of the civilizations listed, the Swahili Coast was the one that traded with India during the 1400s.

During the 1400s, the civilizations that traded with India include:

1. Swahili Coast: The Swahili Coast, located along the eastern coast of Africa, had extensive trade connections with India during the 1400s. They traded items such as spices, gold, ivory, and textiles.

2. Axum Empire: The Axum Empire, located in present-day Ethiopia, also had trade relations with India during the 1400s. They traded goods such as spices, textiles, and precious metals.

3. Britain: Although not as prominent as the other two civilizations during the 1400s, Britain did have limited trade connections with India at this time. However, significant British involvement in India's trade and colonization started later, in the 1600s and beyond.

4. United States: The United States did not exist as a country during the 1400s, so it did not trade with India at that time. The colonization and trade relations between the United States and India started much later, in the 18th and 19th centuries.