Which of these civilizations traded with India during the 1400s?

A. Britain
B. United States
C. Swahili Coast
D. Axum Empire

C. Swahili Coast

During the 1400s, the civilization that traded with India were:

C. Swahili Coast.

To determine which civilizations traded with India during the 1400s, we can analyze the options provided:

A. Britain: During the 1400s, Britain did not have a direct trading relationship with India. British involvement in India's trade intensified in the 1600s with the establishment of the British East India Company.

B. United States: During the 1400s, the United States did not exist as a country. The European colonization of North America began in the 1500s, but there were no direct trading relationships between India and the United States during that time.

C. Swahili Coast: The Swahili Coast refers to the eastern coast of Africa, where various Swahili city-states thrived. These city-states had significant trade interactions with India during the 1400s and earlier. They traded goods such as ivory, gold, spices, and textiles.

D. Axum Empire: The Axum Empire, located in what is now modern-day Ethiopia and Eritrea, had extensive trade connections during ancient times, including contact with India. However, by the 1400s, the Axum Empire had already declined and lost its major powers, including its direct trade relationship with India.

From the given options, the correct answer is C. Swahili Coast.

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