The Milky Way Galaxy contains:(1 point)


only the objects found in the Solar System.
only the objects found in the Solar System.

billions of stars and the objects in orbit around them.
billions of stars and the objects in orbit around them.

all of the stars throughout the Universe.
all of the stars throughout the Universe.

billions of stars but not the objects in orbit around them

billions of stars and the objects in orbit around them.

The correct answer is:

billions of stars and the objects in orbit around them.

The correct answer is "billions of stars and the objects in orbit around them."

To arrive at this answer, we can use our knowledge about the Milky Way Galaxy. Here's how:

1. Understand the Milky Way: The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy that contains our Solar System. It is a large collection of stars, dust, gas, and other celestial objects bound together by gravity.

2. Importance of the Solar System: The Solar System is the system of planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects that revolve around our Sun. While it is a part of the Milky Way Galaxy, it is only a small component within it.

3. Consider the scale: The Milky Way Galaxy is vast, with an estimated 100 to 400 billion stars. This means that it contains not only the stars within our Solar System but also the billions of stars in other star systems throughout the galaxy.

4. Objects in orbit: In addition to stars, the Milky Way also contains various objects in orbit around them. These objects can include planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies.

Putting it all together, we can conclude that the Milky Way Galaxy contains billions of stars, including the ones in our Solar System, as well as the objects in orbit around these stars. Therefore, the correct response is "billions of stars and the objects in orbit around them."