Generate an educational image that showcases a detailed visual representation of the solar system in the context of the Milky Way galaxy. It should include planets orbiting around the sun, asteroid belt and various interstellar elements. However, ensure that it is created in a way that presents the scale in proportion and does not skew the viewer's perception. Keep the image clean without any written text.

Use the scenario to answer the question.

A student creates a chart to describe Earth’s solar system in the Milky Way galaxy.

Which statement could be included to accurately describe the solar system as part of the galaxy?

(1 point)

pls help

sorry that bottome one above this one is for the math

this is the anwsers in need they are frome the Galaxies and The Universe Quick Check in connexus

here is the full question

Use the scenario to answer the question.

A student creates a chart to describe Earth’s solar system in the Milky Way galaxy.

Which statement could be included to accurately describe the solar system as part of the galaxy?

(1 point)

The solar system is larger than the Milky Way.
The solar system is larger than the Milky Way.

The solar system is one of many such systems in the Milky Way.
The solar system is one of many such systems in the Milky Way.

The solar system is located in the center of the Milky Way.
The solar system is located in the center of the Milky Way.

The solar system is comprised of millions of stars from the Milky Way.
The solar system is comprised of millions of stars from the Milky Way.


i need help with this too

this one is kinda hard


To accurately describe the solar system as part of the Milky Way galaxy, the student could include the following statement in the chart: "The solar system is located within the Milky Way galaxy, specifically in one of its outer spiral arms known as the Orion Arm."

They could also consider adding additional information such as:

- "The solar system is comprised of different celestial bodies such as the Sun, eight planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), and various smaller objects like asteroids and comets."
- "The Milky Way galaxy is a vast collection of stars, gas, dust, and other celestial objects, spanning approximately 100,000 light-years in diameter."
- "The solar system is just a tiny part of the Milky Way galaxy, which contains billions of stars and is estimated to have over 100 billion planets."

By including these statements, the chart would provide an accurate description of Earth's solar system in the context of the Milky Way galaxy.

also i would apriciate it for the help of the hole Complying with Title IX Quiz in math for connexus