Which excerpt best displays the function of narrative structure in Monster?

CLOSE-UP (CU) of STEVE HARMON. The fear is evident on his face.
The best time to cry is at night, when the lights are out and someone is screaming for help.
INTERIOR: CELL. Sixteen-year-old STEVE HARMON is sitting on the edge of a metal cot, head in hands.
I think to get used to this I will have to give up what I think is real and take up something else.

INTERIOR: COURTROOM. The judge peers down from behind the bench, his gaze stern and unwavering.

The use of narrative structure in this excerpt is displayed through the setting and the introduction of a conflict. The courtroom setting suggests a critical moment in the story, where the protagonist is facing judgement and potential consequences for their actions. This sets up the conflict and tension that will propel the narrative forward.

The excerpt "I think to get used to this I will have to give up what I think is real and take up something else" best displays the function of narrative structure in Monster. This excerpt shows a shift in the protagonist's perspective and suggests a change in the storyline. It highlights the protagonist's realization that he must alter his perception of reality in order to navigate his current situation. This demonstrates the narrative structure's role in portraying character development and the protagonist's journey throughout the story.

The function of narrative structure in a story typically refers to how the elements of plot and storytelling are organized and presented to the reader or viewer. In the provided excerpts from the book Monster, we can analyze each option to determine which one best displays the function of narrative structure.

1. "CLOSE-UP (CU) of STEVE HARMON. The fear is evident on his face."
This line describes a specific camera shot in a movie or television adaptation of the book. While it may contribute to the visual storytelling aspect, it does not necessarily demonstrate the narrative structure of the story, which typically involves the sequence of events or the way the plot unfolds.

2. "The best time to cry is at night, when the lights are out and someone is screaming for help."
This line offers a reflection on the emotions and the atmosphere, but it does not explicitly showcase the narrative structure as it is more focused on the emotional impact rather than the plot progression.

3. "INTERIOR: CELL. Sixteen-year-old STEVE HARMON is sitting on the edge of a metal cot, head in hands."
This excerpt provides a clear scene setting, describing the interior of a cell and the physical position and state of the protagonist, Steve Harmon. It helps to establish the context and the situation, which is an essential element of the narrative structure.

4. "I think to get used to this I will have to give up what I think is real and take up something else."
This line implies a shift in the protagonist's perspective and possibly foreshadows a change in the narrative structure. It suggests that Steve Harmon might face challenges or undergo transformations that will affect the story's progression and structure.

Based on the analysis of the provided excerpts, the third option, "INTERIOR: CELL. Sixteen-year-old STEVE HARMON is sitting on the edge of a metal cot, head in hands," best demonstrates the function of narrative structure in Monster as it provides crucial information about the setting and the character, setting the stage for the story to unfold.