Evaluate which of the following examples demonstrates citizens addressing a social problem.(1 point) Responses the MADD campaign that successfully raised the drinking age to 21 in all 50 states the MADD campaign that successfully raised the drinking age to 21 in all 50 states the State of Washington legislature passing a law expanding the right to vote for felons the State of Washington legislature passing a law expanding the right to vote for felons Congress’s consideration of the For the People Act of 2021 Congress’s consideration of the For the People Act of 2021 Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign

The example that demonstrates citizens addressing a social problem is:

- The MADD campaign that successfully raised the drinking age to 21 in all 50 states

The examples that demonstrate citizens addressing a social problem are:

1) The MADD campaign that successfully raised the drinking age to 21 in all 50 states.
2) Michelle Obama's Let's Move Campaign.

Both of these examples involve citizens taking action to create positive change in society. The MADD campaign worked to address the issue of drunk driving and reduce the number of alcohol-related accidents and deaths. Michelle Obama's Let's Move Campaign aimed to combat childhood obesity and promote healthier lifestyles among children. In both cases, citizens took an active role in addressing social problems and seeking solutions.

To evaluate which of the examples demonstrates citizens addressing a social problem, we need to understand the concept of citizen engagement and its role in tackling social issues.

Citizen engagement refers to the active participation of individuals in societal affairs, often aimed at addressing social problems and influencing public policies. It involves citizens coming together, voicing their concerns, and taking actions to bring about positive change. Let's analyze each example in the context of citizen engagement:

1. The MADD campaign that successfully raised the drinking age to 21 in all 50 states:
This example demonstrates citizens addressing a social problem. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is an organization founded by citizens who have personally experienced tragedies related to drunk driving. Through public awareness, lobbying efforts, and grassroots activism, they successfully influenced lawmakers to raise the drinking age, aiming to reduce alcohol-related accidents.

2. The State of Washington legislature passing a law expanding the right to vote for felons:
This action was taken by the State of Washington legislature, not directly by citizens. Although citizens might have advocated for expanded voting rights, this example does not represent citizens directly addressing a social problem.

3. Congress’s consideration of the For the People Act of 2021:
Similar to the previous example, this is an action undertaken by Congress. While citizens' voices and activism may have influenced the drafting and consideration of the bill, it is not a direct demonstration of citizens addressing a social problem.

4. Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign:
Michelle Obama's Let’s Move Campaign aimed to combat childhood obesity by addressing nutrition, education, and physical activity. Although citizens may have supported and engaged with the campaign, this example primarily represents the efforts of a public figure, rather than citizens directly addressing a social problem.

Based on this evaluation, the example that best demonstrates citizens addressing a social problem is "The MADD campaign that successfully raised the drinking age to 21 in all 50 states." Citizen activism and advocacy played a crucial role in raising awareness and pushing for legislative change, ultimately leading to the desired outcome.