What is the correct term for a punctuation mark that is used to introduce information that expands on a preceding idea?(1 point)%0AResponses%0A%0Acolon%0Acolon%0A%0Aperiod%0Aperiod%0A%0Aexclamation point%0Aexclamation point%0A%0Aquestion mark%0Aquestion mark


The correct term for a punctuation mark that is used to introduce information that expands on a preceding idea is a colon.

The correct term for a punctuation mark that is used to introduce information that expands on a preceding idea is a colon.

To find the answer to this question, you can rely on your knowledge of punctuation marks and their functions. A colon is a punctuation mark that is used to introduce or precede a list, explanation, quotation, or example. In this case, the information following the colon expands on the preceding idea. By understanding the various punctuation marks and their specific uses, you can identify the correct term, which, in this case, is a colon.