Question Which of the following steps would you use to write a conclusion? Select the three correct answers.(1 point) Responses introduce new information to the reader introduce new information to the reader think about the purpose of the information think about the purpose of the information review the overall length of your stated ideas review the overall length of your stated ideas think of a concluding statement that explains the already stated ideas think of a concluding statement that explains the already stated ideas review the information in the body of the text review the information in the body of the text review the title of the essay with the reader review the title of the essay with the reader review the more entertaining lines from the body of the text

The following three steps would be used to write a conclusion:

1. Think about the purpose of the information
2. Review the overall length of your stated ideas
3. Think of a concluding statement that explains the already stated ideas

To write a conclusion, you should consider the purpose of the information, review the overall length of your stated ideas, and think of a concluding statement that explains the already stated ideas.

So, the three correct steps to write a conclusion from the given options are:

1. Think about the purpose of the information: A conclusion should tie back to the main purpose of your essay or writing piece. It should summarize the main points and leave the reader with a clear understanding of the message or argument.

2. Review the overall length of your stated ideas: In a conclusion, it is important to be concise and to the point. Reviewing the overall length of your stated ideas helps ensure that you are not introducing new information or going off on tangents, but rather providing a succinct summary.

3. Think of a concluding statement that explains the already stated ideas: The concluding statement is a final opportunity to reinforce your main points and provide closure to your writing. It should connect back to the introduction and show how you have developed your ideas throughout the essay or text.

Therefore, the three correct answers for writing a conclusion are:
- Think about the purpose of the information
- Review the overall length of your stated ideas
- Think of a concluding statement that explains the already stated ideas

The other options listed, such as introducing new information to the reader, reviewing the information in the body of the text, and reviewing the title of the essay with the reader, are not appropriate steps for writing a conclusion.

To write a conclusion, you would use the following steps:

1. Think about the purpose of the information.
2. Review the overall length of your stated ideas.
3. Think of a concluding statement that explains the already stated ideas.