If it takes Curtis three seconds to go 20 feet then how fast can you go in one hour per mile?

To find out how fast Curtis can go in one hour per mile, we need to convert the given information to a consistent unit of measurement.

Time taken by Curtis = 3 seconds
Distance covered by Curtis = 20 feet

Step 1: Convert seconds to hours
There are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. So, there are 60 * 60 = 3600 seconds in an hour.
Therefore, 3 seconds = 3/3600 hour (approximately 0.000833 hour).

Step 2: Convert feet to miles
There are 5280 feet in a mile. So, 20 feet = 20/5280 mile (approximately 0.003788 mile).

Step 3: Calculate the speed
To find the speed, divide the distance covered by the time taken.
Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = (0.003788 mile) / (0.000833 hour)
Speed ≈ 4.545 miles per hour.

Therefore, Curtis can travel at a speed of approximately 4.545 miles per hour.

To determine the speed in one hour per mile, we need to convert the given information into appropriate units.

First, we need to convert the distance from feet to miles. Since there are 5,280 feet in a mile, we can calculate:

20 feet * (1 mile / 5,280 feet) ≈ 0.00378 miles

Next, we need to determine how many 20-foot intervals are in one hour. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute, we have:

60 minutes/hour * 60 seconds/minute = 3,600 seconds/hour

Then, we can find the number of 20-foot intervals in one hour:

3,600 seconds/hour / 3 seconds/intervals = 1,200 intervals/hour

Finally, we divide the distance traveled in one hour (in miles) by the number of intervals (in miles) to find the speed:

0.00378 miles / 1,200 intervals ≈ 0.00000315 miles per interval

Therefore, Curtis can go approximately 0.00000315 miles in one hour per mile.

To calculate how fast Curtis can travel in one hour per mile, we first need to convert the given measurements into a common unit of measurement. Let's start by converting the distance from feet to miles.

1 mile is equal to 5,280 feet.

Therefore, to convert 20 feet to miles, divide 20 by 5,280:

20 feet / 5,280 feet per mile = 0.0038 miles.

Next, we need to determine the time it takes for Curtis to travel this distance. Since he travels 20 feet in 3 seconds, we can calculate how many seconds it would take him to travel 1 mile using this rate:

1 mile / 0.0038 miles * 3 seconds = 789.47 seconds.

To convert seconds to hours, we divide by the number of seconds in an hour:

789.47 seconds / 3,600 seconds per hour = 0.219 hours.

Finally, to find how fast Curtis can travel in one hour per mile, we take the reciprocal of the time:

1 hour / 0.219 hours = 4.56 miles per hour.

Therefore, Curtis can travel at a speed of approximately 4.56 miles per hour.