On the cubic root 32 you will find option to add a cubic root symbol in algebra

There is no specific key or symbol on a keyboard to directly represent the cubic root (∛) in algebra. However, you can still represent the cubic root using exponentiation. The cubic root of a number can be written as a fraction exponent of 1/3:

∛(x) = x^(1/3)

So, to represent the cubic root of 32 in algebra, you can write it as 32^(1/3).

In algebra, the symbol for the cubic root is written as a radical symbol with a small number 3 in the top left corner. To write the cubic root of 32, you would write it as ∛32.

In algebra, there is no specific symbol to represent the cubic root. However, you can express the cubic root of a number using various notations. One way to represent the cubic root of a number is by using the exponent notation. To indicate the cubic root of a number, you can write it as a fractional exponent with the numerator being 1 and the denominator being 3.

For instance, the cubic root of 32 can be written as 32^(1/3). This indicates that you are taking the number 32 and raising it to the power of (1/3), which represents the cubic root.

In some mathematical software or word processing programs, you may find an option to insert mathematical symbols. These symbols include mathematical operators, Greek letters, and various notation symbols. However, the availability of such symbols may vary depending on the program you are using.

If you want to use the cubic root symbol (∛) in a document or software, you can typically find it in the character map or symbol library of the program. To insert the cubic root symbol, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the program or document where you want to insert the cubic root symbol.
2. Go to the "Insert" or "Symbols" menu. This option is usually located in the toolbar at the top of the program window.
3. Look for a submenu or button that says "Symbols," "Special Characters," or "Character Map."
4. In the symbol window, search for the cubic root symbol (∛) or look for it in the mathematical symbols section.
5. Once you find the cubic root symbol, click on it to select it.
6. Finally, click on the "Insert" or "OK" button to insert the symbol into your document or software.

Remember, using the exponent notation (32^(1/3)) is a more widely recognized way of representing the cubic root, as there is no universally accepted symbol for it in general algebraic notation.