Which statement is true?

The car traveled back to its starting point.

The car’s speed was not constant.

The car never slowed down.

The total time spent was 45 minute

Unfortunately, I cannot determine which statement is true as there is not enough information provided in the question.

Based on the information provided, the first statement "The car traveled back to its starting point" is true.

To determine which statement is true, we need to analyze the given information.

Statement 1: "The car traveled back to its starting point."
This statement implies that the car completed a round trip and ended up at the same location where it started.

Statement 2: "The car’s speed was not constant."
This statement suggests that the car's speed varied during the trip, indicating that it did not maintain a steady pace throughout.

Statement 3: "The car never slowed down."
This statement implies that the car maintained a consistent speed without decreasing at any point during the journey.

Statement 4: "The total time spent was 45 minutes."
This statement provides information about the duration of the entire trip, which lasted for 45 minutes.

To determine which statement is true, we need to use our reasoning skills and examine how the given statements relate to each other and to the laws of physics.

If we assume that the car traveled in a straight line from its starting point, and that it returned to the starting point, it is likely that the car did change its direction, indicating a non-constant speed. If the car were to travel back in a straight line without changing its direction, it would imply that the car had never slowed down during its journey.

Given the information, it is unlikely that the car traveled back to its starting point without changing its direction, as this would contradict statement 2 and 3.

Therefore, the statement that is most likely to be true based on the given information is: "The car’s speed was not constant."