The graph above shows an object’s motion. Which statement is true?

The object accelerates at an increasing rate followed by a decreasing rate.

The object starts at rest and then accelerates at a constant rate.

The object accelerates at an increasing rate.

The object does not move.

Based on the given information, the statement "The object accelerates at an increasing rate followed by a decreasing rate" is true.

Based on the graph, the correct statement is:

The object starts at rest and then accelerates at a constant rate.

To determine which statement is true, we need to analyze the graph of the object's motion.

First, let's look at the x-axis of the graph. The x-axis represents time, which means the graph shows how the object's motion changes over time.

Next, let's look at the y-axis of the graph. The y-axis represents the object's velocity or speed, which indicates how fast the object is moving.

Now, let's examine the options:

1) "The object accelerates at an increasing rate followed by a decreasing rate."

Based on the graph, we would expect to see an initial increase in velocity followed by a decrease. However, we cannot determine this from the graph alone.

2) "The object starts at rest and then accelerates at a constant rate."

Based on the graph, if the object starts at a resting position (velocity equals zero on the y-axis) and then consistently increases in velocity in a straight line, it would indicate that the object accelerates at a constant rate. Thus, this statement is a possibility.

3) "The object accelerates at an increasing rate."

Based on the graph, if the velocity increases in a curve, rather than a straight line, it suggests that the object is accelerating at an increasing rate. Therefore, this statement is a possibility.

4) "The object does not move."

If the graph shows a straight line along the x-axis (velocity is zero at all times), it indicates that the object does not move. However, we cannot determine this from the graph alone.

Therefore, based on the given options and the information provided by the graph, both options 2 and 3 are possibilities. We cannot ascertain the exact scenario solely from the given graph.