Suppose 25 children who weigh the same are playing a game of tug-of-war. Five children pull with 10 newtons of force, while ten children pull with 15 newtons of force in the opposite direction. How can one determine the net force on the rope?(1 point)


The newtons are in the same direction, so the newtons can be multiplied.
The newtons are in the same direction, so the newtons can be multiplied.

The forces are in opposite directions, so the newtons can be subtracted.
The forces are in opposite directions, so the newtons can be subtracted.

The forces are in opposite directions, so the newtons can be divided.
The forces are in opposite directions, so the newtons can be divided.

The forces are in the same direction, so the newtons can be added

The forces are in opposite directions, so the newtons can be subtracted.

The forces are in opposite directions, so the newtons can be subtracted.

The correct answer is: The forces are in opposite directions, so the newtons can be subtracted.

To determine the net force on the rope, we need to take into account the forces acting on the rope in opposite directions. In this case, five children are pulling with a force of 10 newtons in one direction, and ten children are pulling with a force of 15 newtons in the opposite direction.

To find the net force, we subtract the force pulling in one direction from the force pulling in the opposite direction. In this case, we subtract 15 newtons (force pulling in one direction) from 10 newtons (force pulling in the opposite direction).

Net force = Force pulling in one direction - Force pulling in the opposite direction

Net force = 10 newtons - 15 newtons

Net force = -5 newtons

The negative sign indicates that the net force is in the direction opposite to the larger force (15 newtons).


The graph above shows an object’s motion. Which statement is true?

(1 point)

The object accelerates at an increasing rate followed by a decreasing rate.
The object accelerates at an increasing rate followed by a decreasing rate.

The object starts at rest and then accelerates at a constant rate.
The object starts at rest and then accelerates at a constant rate.

The object accelerates at an increasing rate.
The object accelerates at an increasing rate.

The object does not move.

Based on the given statement and the graph, the answer is:

The object starts at rest and then accelerates at a constant rate.

The graph below shows a car’s motion.

Which statement is true?

(1 point)

The total time spent was 45 minutes.
The total time spent was 45 minutes.

The car’s speed was not constant.
The car’s speed was not constant.

The car traveled back to its starting point.
The car traveled back to its starting point.

The car never slowed down.
The car never slowed down.
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Based on the information provided, it is not possible to determine which statement is true. The graph does not provide any information about the total time spent, whether the car's speed was constant or not, whether the car traveled back to its starting point, or whether the car slowed down or not. Further information would be needed to answer this question accurately.

To measure average speed, what data is required?(1 point)


The weight of the bike and the time spent
The weight of the bike and the time spent

The direction of travel and the weight of the bike
The direction of travel and the weight of the bike

The distance traveled and the time spent
The distance traveled and the time spent

The direction and the distance of travel

The correct answer is: The distance traveled and the time spent.

To calculate average speed, the two pieces of data required are the distance traveled and the time spent. By dividing the distance traveled by the time spent, the average speed can be calculated.