There are 6 children playing on the playground each child has 2 key trains what is the ratio children to kitchens

The ratio of children to kitchens is 6:2 or simplified, 3:1.

We do not have thoes i have 6:12 6:1 6 to 2 6:6

Apologies for the confusion. Let's examine each of the given ratios:

1) 6:12 - This ratio indicates that there are 6 children to 12 key trains. It can be simplified to 1:2, which means that for every 1 child, there are 2 key trains.

2) 6:1 - This ratio suggests that there are 6 children to only 1 kitchen. It cannot be simplified further.

3) 6 to 2 - This ratio also represents 6 children to 2 key trains. It can be simplified to 3:1, which means that for every 3 children, there is 1 key train.

4) 6:6 - This ratio indicates that there are 6 children to 6 key trains. It can be simplified to 1:1, which means that there is an equal number of children and key trains.

Please let me know if you need any further clarification.

What is it

Apologies for the confusion. The given ratio "6:12" indicates that there are 6 children to 12 key trains. It can be simplified to "1:2", meaning that for every 1 child, there are 2 key trains.

Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Is it 6:12

Apologies for the confusion. If the ratio is 6:12, it means that there are 6 children to 12 key trains. This ratio can be simplified to 1:2, indicating that for every 1 child, there are 2 key trains.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Ahat is it A B C D

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "A B C D". Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?

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