Nikita has started to write a blog about various life hacks that she tests and presents to her audience. She considers the feasibility of this blog in terms of the audience she is writing for. This consideration forms part of Nikita’s... 


promotional materials. 

auditing process. 

distribution medium. 

content design strategy. 

content design strategy.

CDF stands for "Consideration of the target audience's Demographics and Feedback". This consideration forms part of Nikita's content design strategy.

The correct answer is "CDF," which stands for "Content Design Strategy."

A content design strategy refers to the overall plan and approach to creating and presenting content to a specific audience. It involves considering factors such as the target audience, their needs and preferences, and the goals of the content.

In this scenario, Nikita is starting a blog about life hacks, so she needs to consider the feasibility of the blog in terms of the audience she is writing for. This means understanding who her target audience is, what interests and challenges they have, and how she can tailor her content to meet their needs. By considering the feasibility of the blog for her audience, Nikita is incorporating this consideration into her content design strategy.

It's important for content creators like Nikita to have a clear content design strategy to ensure that their content resonates with their audience and achieves the desired outcomes.