Nikita has started to write a blog about various life hacks that she tests and presents to her audience. She considers the feasibility of this blog in terms of the audience she is writing for. This consideration forms part of Nikita’s... 

distribution medium. 

promotional materials. 


content design strategy. 

auditing process. 

content design strategy.

The correct answer is "content design strategy."

The correct answer is "content design strategy."

Nikita's consideration of the feasibility of her blog in terms of the audience she is writing for falls under the content design strategy. A content design strategy focuses on ensuring that the content meets the needs and preferences of the target audience. It involves understanding the target audience, their interests, and the best way to deliver the content to them.

In this case, Nikita needs to consider whether her life hacks blog would be relevant and valuable to her target audience. She may need to do research to understand their demographics, interests, and preferences. By understanding her audience, she can tailor her content to meet their needs and ensure the success of her blog.