In "The Deadliest Tsunami in History," survivors of the tsunami recognized that a receding ocean

was a sign of an impending tsunami. They described the ocean water pulling back much farther than usual, leaving fish stranded on the exposed sea floor. This unusual and rapid receding of the ocean was a clear warning sign for those who were familiar with the coastal area. In hindsight, many survivors realized that they should have immediately sought higher ground upon witnessing this phenomenon, as it foreshadowed the devastating tsunami that was just seconds away.

wave was a sign of an impending tsunami. How did they come to this realization?

In "The Deadliest Tsunami in History," survivors of the tsunami recognized that a receding ocean may indicate an impending tsunami. Here are the steps to understand this phenomenon:

1. The term "receding ocean" refers to a sudden and significant decrease in the water level of the ocean or shoreline.
2. When a tsunami approaches the shore, it displaces a large volume of water, causing the ocean to recede momentarily.
3. As the tsunami waves approach the coast, they push the water in front of them and create a vacuum effect that pulls the water away from the shoreline.
4. This causes the ocean to temporarily recede, exposing the seabed, reefs, and other usually submerged areas.
5. The receding ocean may expose typically hidden objects, such as fish, shells, or rocks that are usually underwater.
6. Survivors of past tsunamis have observed this phenomenon and learned to recognize it as a warning sign.
7. The sudden retreat of the ocean provides a clear indicator that a tsunami is imminent, as it typically precedes the arrival of large and destructive tsunami waves.
8. Upon observing the receding ocean, it is crucial for people in coastal areas to immediately seek higher ground and move away from the shoreline to escape the oncoming tsunami.

It is important to note that the receding ocean phenomenon is not the only warning sign of a tsunami. Other signs include the shaking of the ground (earthquake), abnormal sea behavior, unusual animal behavior, and the sound of approaching waves. Being familiar with these warning signs and understanding what to do in such situations can help save lives during a tsunami event.