In "The Deadliest Tsunami in History," survivors of the tsunami recognized that a receding ocean (1 point)

• was a sign of danger.
O left pollution on shore.
• left boats and fish stranded on shore
O signals a coming earthquake.

• was a sign of danger.

In "The Deadliest Tsunami in History," survivors of the tsunami recognized that a receding ocean was a sign of danger.

To determine the correct answer to your question, we can analyze the given information about the survivors of the tsunami and their observations. According to the choices provided, we can consider each option and explain how to find the correct answer.

1. "Was a sign of danger" - To check if the receding ocean was a sign of danger, you can look for accounts or reports from the survivors discussing their experiences and whether they perceived the receding ocean as a warning sign.

2. "Left pollution on shore" - Similarly, you can search for evidence or survivor testimonies that mention the receding ocean leaving pollution on the shore. Look for any documented instances of pollution after the tsunami and determine if it was directly related to the ocean receding.

3. "Left boats and fish stranded on shore" - Investigate survivor accounts or news reports describing the aftermath of the tsunami. If there are mentions of boats and fish being stranded on the shore due to the receding ocean, it could be an indicator that this option is the correct answer.

4. "Signals a coming earthquake" - This option suggests a connection between the receding ocean and an impending earthquake. To verify this, search for scientific studies, seismological data, or expert opinions that analyze the relationship between the receding ocean and seismic activity.

By researching survivor accounts, news reports, scientific studies, and expert opinions, you can gather evidence to understand what the survivors of the deadliest tsunami in history recognized about a receding ocean.