Which of the following statements about digital footprints are true? Select all that apply.

What other people post does not impact your digital footprint.  

Your actions online contribute to your digital footprint.  

You are in full control of who sees your digital footprint.  

Your digital footprint is permanent.  

Your actions online contribute to your digital footprint.  

Your digital footprint is permanent.  

The correct statements about digital footprints are:

- Your actions online contribute to your digital footprint.
- Your digital footprint is permanent.

To determine which statements about digital footprints are true, we can analyze each statement individually:

1. "What other people post does not impact your digital footprint."
This statement is not true. What others post about you, and even what they post in general, can have an impact on your digital footprint. For example, if someone shares a negative comment or photo about you online, it can contribute to your digital reputation and affect how others perceive you.

2. "Your actions online contribute to your digital footprint."
This statement is true. Your digital footprint is created by your online actions, such as posting on social media, commenting on websites, sharing photos, and engaging in online forums. Every action you take leaves a trace, contributing to your overall digital footprint.

3. "You are in full control of who sees your digital footprint."
This statement is not entirely true. While you can have some control over your privacy settings and choose what information and content to share online, it is not always possible to control who sees your digital footprint entirely. Once something is posted online, it can be difficult to completely remove it or control its dissemination. Others can capture or share your digital content without your permission, which can further impact your digital footprint.

4. "Your digital footprint is permanent."
This statement is generally true. The digital content you create and share leaves a lasting trail online, even if you delete it later. Search engines and web archives can still retain copies of the content, and others may have already seen, saved, or shared it. Therefore, it is crucial to be mindful of the digital footprint you create since it can have long-lasting effects.

In summary, the true statements about digital footprints are:
- Your actions online contribute to your digital footprint.
- Your digital footprint is permanent.