The image models the process of photosynthesis. Plants use sunlight, plus carbon dioxide and water to produce food, or glucose (a sugar). The by-product of photosynthesis is oxygen, which is added to our atmosphere. During a summer drought, what can we expect to happen to these strawberry plants?

A They will become extinct.They will become extinct.
B There will be less sugar produced.There will be less sugar produced.
C There will be an excess of oxygen produced.There will be an excess of oxygen produced.
D The plant will require more carbon dioxide to make sugar.

B There will be less sugar produced.

D The plant will require more carbon dioxide to make sugar.

To answer this question, we need to understand the role of sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water in the process of photosynthesis and how a summer drought may affect these strawberry plants.

During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose, which is a sugar. Sunlight provides the energy needed for the process, while carbon dioxide and water are the raw materials. In this process, oxygen is produced as a by-product and is released into the atmosphere.

In a summer drought, the availability of water is reduced. This can have a significant impact on the photosynthesis process and the overall health of the strawberry plants. Water is essential for plants to absorb nutrients from the soil and transport them to the cells where photosynthesis occurs. Without sufficient water, the plants may not be able to take up enough carbon dioxide and may struggle to produce glucose.

Based on this understanding, the most likely outcome for strawberry plants during a summer drought is that there will be less sugar produced. This is because the limited water availability may hinder the plants' ability to carry out photosynthesis effectively. Therefore, option B, "There will be less sugar produced," is the correct answer.