How do plants recycle carbon during photosynthesis?


The carbon in carbon dioxide is recycled during photosynthesis.

The carbon in water is recycled during photosynthesis.

The carbon in oxygen molecules is recycled during photosynthesis.

The carbon in glucose is recycled during photosynthesis.

The carbon in carbon dioxide is recycled during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide from the air into glucose, a sugar molecule, using energy from sunlight. During this process, plants capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it as the carbon source to build glucose molecules. The carbon in carbon dioxide is thus recycled and incorporated into the organic compounds of the plant, which can be used as a source of energy or stored for future use.

which one out of the options i put bot

The correct response is:

The carbon in carbon dioxide is recycled during photosynthesis.

How do plants recycle hydrogen during cellular respiration? (1 point)


The hydrogen in hydrogen gas is recycled when glucose is formed.

The hydrogen in glucose is recycled when water is formed.

The hydrogen in glucose is recycled when hydrogen gas is formed

hydrogen in water is recycled when glucose is formed.

The correct response is:

The hydrogen in glucose is recycled when water is formed during cellular respiration. In cellular respiration, glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to release energy. One of the byproducts of this process is water, which is formed by the combination of hydrogen atoms from the glucose molecule with oxygen atoms. The hydrogen in glucose is thus recycled to form water during cellular respiration.

How many molecules of water are recycled when one molecule of glucose is created during photosynthesis? (1 point)






The correct response is:


During photosynthesis, 6 molecules of water are recycled to produce one molecule of glucose. This process occurs in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, where water molecules are split into oxygen gas, releasing electrons and protons. These protons and electrons are then used in the production of glucose from carbon dioxide.

Scientists used radioactive hydrogen to make water. They grew plants using the radioactive water. Wt happened to the radioactive hydrogen during photosynthesis? (1 point)


it was recycled when water was formed.

It was recycled when ligh energy was formed.

It was recycled when glucose was formed.

It was recycled when hydrogen gas washformed.

The correct response is:

It was recycled when water was formed.

During photosynthesis, plants take in water molecules and split them to release oxygen and use the hydrogen atoms for building glucose. In the case of radioactive hydrogen, it would be incorporated into the water molecules formed during photosynthesis, resulting in the radioactive water. Therefore, the radioactive hydrogen would be recycled when water is formed during photosynthesis.

The correct answer is: The carbon in carbon dioxide is recycled during photosynthesis.

During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose (a type of sugar). Carbon dioxide enters the leaves of plants through tiny pores called stomata. Inside the leaf, the process of photosynthesis occurs in specialized structures called chloroplasts. Within the chloroplasts, chlorophyll (a pigment) absorbs sunlight energy.

During the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules are broken down, and the carbon atoms are used to form new glucose molecules. The oxygen atoms from carbon dioxide combine with other oxygen atoms to form molecular oxygen (O2), which is released back into the atmosphere as a byproduct of photosynthesis.

In summary, plants recycle carbon by converting carbon dioxide into glucose during the process of photosynthesis.