How does Alma feel right after she asks Miss Ralston why girls can’t go for the water


It is difficult to determine Alma's exact emotions without more context or information. However, given the situation and the question she asked, it is more likely that Alma would feel shocked or surprised.

It is not explicitly mentioned how Alma feels right after she asks Miss Ralston why girls can't go for the water in the given context. As an AI, I don't have access to the specific story or emotions of characters.

To determine how Alma feels right after she asks Miss Ralson why girls can't go for the water, we can refer to the text or information provided. If you have access to the story or any relevant context, you can explore Alma's reaction, thoughts, or emotions described in the text.

Here are some steps to follow to find the answer:

1. Identify the source: Check the given text or story where Alma's interaction with Miss Ralston is described.

2. Locate the specific scene: Find the section or paragraph that describes the moment when Alma asks Miss Ralston about girls not being allowed to go for water.

3. Analyze Alma's reaction: Read the passage carefully and pay attention to the details of Alma's behavior, thoughts, or emotions immediately after she asked the question. Look for any cues or clues that indicate her feelings.

4. Identify the answer: Based on the information provided in the text, you can identify Alma's emotional state. If the text directly states her emotion, it becomes easier to determine her feelings. However, if it is not explicitly mentioned, you may need to infer her emotions based on her actions or thoughts.

By following these steps and analyzing the text, you should be able to determine how Alma feels right after she asks Miss Ralston why girls can't go for water.