Only his darling mother worried, but she couldn't get him back on the right road. She’d say, though it wasn't always true: Lola called, she’s at the bar with the girls, they miss you, they're waiting for you. Or else she'd leave a bottle of red wine on the table.

How does the writer mostlyreveal the mother's character?
(1 point)

The writer mostly reveals the mother's character through her actions and words.

Read the following lines from "And of Clay Are We Created."

When the station called before dawn, Rolf Carlé and I were together. I crawled out of bed, dazed with sleep, and went to prepare coffee while he hurriedly dressed. He stuffed his gear in the green canvas backpack he always carried, and we said goodbye, as we had so many times before.

Which of the following words best describes the relationship between the two characters?
(1 point)

The relationship between the two characters can be described as familiar or close.

Read the following lines from "And of Clay Are We Created."

When the station called before dawn, Rolf Carlé and I were together. I crawled out of bed, dazed with sleep, and went to prepare coffee while he hurriedly dressed. He stuffed his gear in the green canvas backpack he always carried, and we said goodbye, as we had so many times before.

Which of the following words best describes the relationship between the two characters?
(1 point)





The relationship between the two characters can be described as supportive.

Read the following sentences about the father's boat from "The Third Bank of the River."

"He was very serious about it. It was to be made specially for him, of mimosa wood. It was to be
sturdy enough to last twenty or thirty years and just large enough for one person."

In these sentences, the boat most likely symbolizes
(1 point)

a sense of freedom.
a sense of freedom.

a desire for isolation.
a desire for isolation.

a need for items of luxury.
a need for items of luxury.

a feeling of optimism.

In these sentences, the boat most likely symbolizes a sense of freedom.

Read the following sentences from "The Youngest Doll."

The aunt thought he was listening for the breathing of the prawn to see if it was still alive, and she
fondly lifted his hand and placed it on the spot where he could feel the constant movement of the
creature's antennae. The young man released the ruffle and looked fixedly at his father. “You could
have cured this from the start,” he told him. “That's true,” his father answered, “but I just wanted you
to come and see the prawn that has been paying for your education these twenty years."

In these sentences, the prawn most likely symbolizes
(1 point)

a craving for power and knowledge.
a craving for power and knowledge.

a sense of selfish motivation and greed.
a sense of selfish motivation and greed.

a feeling of unity between father and son.
a feeling of unity between father and son.

a secret shared between doctor and patient.
a secret shared between doctor and patient.

In these sentences, the prawn most likely symbolizes a feeling of unity between father and son.

In "Greek Meets Greek" Ram takes great pains to avoid having Chan, his neighbor, identify his true island heritage. Too late, Ram realizes that Chan is also island born. What type of irony, if any, does this demonstrate?

(1 point)




no irony