Which group did most of the Native Americans finally side with in the Revolution?





Most of the Native Americans sided with the British during the Revolution.

Most Native Americans initially tried to stay neutral during the American Revolution. However, as the war progressed, most Native American tribes sided with the British. The British promised to protect Native American land and respect their rights, while American settlers were encroaching on Native American territories. The British also offered trade opportunities and supplies to the Native Americans in exchange for their support.

To determine which group most Native Americans sided with during the American Revolution, we can rely on historical research and records. Native American nations were diverse, and their loyalties varied throughout the conflict. While some Native Americans fought on the side of the British, others supported the American colonists.

To get a more accurate answer about the majority's stance, it would be best to consult primary sources such as letters, treaties, or accounts from Native American leaders and communities during that time. These sources can shed light on specific tribes or regions and their allegiances.

Accessing historical documents, Native American oral histories, or academic books on the subject will provide a comprehensive understanding of which group most Native Americans aligned with during the American Revolution.