Which of the following groups fought each other in the first two years of the Revolutionary War in Georgia? ( 1p

Conservatives and Loyalists

Loyalists and Patriots

Conservatives and Native Americans

British soldiers and Minutemen

Loyalists and Patriots

The correct answer is: Loyalists and Patriots

The groups that fought each other in the first two years of the Revolutionary War in Georgia were the Loyalists and Patriots. To find this answer, you can refer to historical accounts, textbooks, or online resources that provide information about the Revolutionary War in Georgia. These sources will detail the conflicting factions during that time and their opposition to each other.

Which group did most of the Native Americans finally side with in the Revolution? (1)





The Native Americans primarily sided with the British during the Revolutionary War. They formed alliances with the British forces in hopes of protecting their land and their way of life. This decision by the Native Americans was rooted in their belief that the British would better respect their rights and interests compared to the American Patriots.

what's the answer?

The Native Americans primarily sided with the British during the Revolutionary War.