Use the table to answer the question.

Lower Level Upper Level
6 5
30 25
60 50
This two-column table shows the number of lower-level and upper-level tickets sold. What is an equivalent part-to-part ratio?

(1 point)

100 lower level:120 upper level
ratio of 100 lower level to 120 upper level

105 lower level:106 upper level
ratio of 105 lower level to 106 upper level

120 lower level:100 upper level
ratio of 120 lower level to 100 upper level

106 lower level:105 upper level

ratio of 106 lower level to 105 upper level

The equivalent part-to-part ratio for the given table is 100 lower level : 120 upper level. Therefore, the correct answer is "100 lower level:120 upper level".

To find an equivalent part-to-part ratio, we need to compare the number of lower-level tickets to the number of upper-level tickets.

Looking at the first option, the ratio is 100 lower level to 120 upper level.

To simplify this ratio, we can divide both numbers by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor is 20.

So, dividing 100 by 20 gives us 5, and dividing 120 by 20 gives us 6.

Hence, the simplified equivalent ratio is 5 lower level to 6 upper level.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

Ratio of 100 lower level to 120 upper level