Coping strategies that help you to protect yourself from difficult feelings are called

(1 point)




defense mechanisms.
defense mechanisms.

defense mechanisms.

The coping strategies that help you protect yourself from difficult feelings are called defense mechanisms.

The correct answer is defense mechanisms.

To arrive at the answer, we can break down the question and look for clues. The question asks for coping strategies that help protect yourself from difficult feelings.

First, we can eliminate "stressors" because stressors are external factors that cause stress, not coping strategies for dealing with difficult feelings.

Next, "self-actualization" is not directly related to coping with difficult feelings. Self-actualization is a term from psychology referring to the realization of one's full potential and personal growth.

Moving on, "emotions" are not coping strategies themselves, but rather the feelings or states of mind that we experience.

Finally, we are left with "defense mechanisms." Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that individuals often unconsciously use to help protect themselves from difficult emotions or painful thoughts. These defense mechanisms can include denial, projection, repression, and more.

Therefore, the correct answer is defense mechanisms.