The following are steps you take to control bleeding.

A.remove blood soaked gauze and replace with clean gauze
B. apply pressure
C. hold the wounded body part below the level of the heart
D. cover the wound with sterile gauze
chose all that apply

B. apply pressure

D. cover the wound with sterile gauze

To control bleeding, the steps you can take include:

A. Remove blood-soaked gauze and replace it with clean gauze.
B. Apply pressure to the wound.
D. Cover the wound with sterile gauze.

Therefore, you should choose options A, B, and D.

To control bleeding, you can follow the following steps:

1. Apply pressure: Apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth, sterile gauze, or your hand, depending on the situation. Apply firm and steady pressure for several minutes to help promote blood clotting and stop the bleeding.

2. Hold the wounded body part below the level of the heart: If possible, keep the injured body part positioned lower than the heart level. This position can help reduce blood flow to the area and slow down bleeding.

3. Cover the wound with sterile gauze: Once the bleeding has significantly decreased or stopped, cover the wound with a clean or sterile gauze pad or cloth. This will help protect the wound from contamination and further injury.

Based on these steps, the correct options from the given choices would be:
A. Remove blood-soaked gauze and replace with clean gauze
B. Apply pressure
D. Cover the wound with sterile gauze

Therefore, the correct answer would be A, B, and D.