The following are steps you take to control bleeding.

Choose all that apply

(1 point)

Remove blood soaked gauze and replace with clean gauze.
Remove blood soaked gauze and replace with clean gauze.

Hold the wounded body part below the level of the heart.
Hold the wounded body part below the level of the heart.

Apply steady pressure.
Apply steady pressure.

Cover the wound with sterile guaze.

Apply steady pressure and cover the wound with sterile gauze.

The correct steps to control bleeding are:

1. Remove blood-soaked gauze and replace it with clean gauze.
2. Hold the wounded body part below the level of the heart.
3. Apply steady pressure.
4. Cover the wound with sterile gauze.

So, the correct options are:

- Remove blood-soaked gauze and replace it with clean gauze.
- Hold the wounded body part below the level of the heart.
- Apply steady pressure.
- Cover the wound with sterile gauze.

To control bleeding, the following steps can be taken:

1. Remove blood-soaked gauze and replace with clean gauze.
Explanation: This step involves removing any gauze or material that is soaking up blood. To do this, you can gently remove the old gauze by loosening it around the wound and placing it aside. Then, take a clean, sterile piece of gauze and firmly apply it to the wound to help control the bleeding.

2. Hold the wounded body part below the level of the heart.
Explanation: Keeping the injured body part lower than the heart can help reduce the flow of blood to the area and minimize bleeding. By holding the limb down and making sure it is positioned lower, gravity assists in slowing down the bleeding.

3. Apply steady pressure.
Explanation: Applying steady pressure is crucial to control bleeding. Firmly press down on the wound with your hand or a clean cloth, maintaining constant pressure. This pressure can help compress the blood vessels and reduce blood flow, promoting clotting and preventing excessive bleeding.

4. Cover the wound with sterile gauze.
Explanation: After applying pressure and controlling the bleeding, cover the wound with a clean, sterile gauze pad or dressing. This helps to keep the wound clean, protect it from further contamination, and provide a barrier against infection.

Remember, it is always advisable to seek medical attention for severe or uncontrollable bleeding.

When treating a burn, you should apply ice for 5 minutes.(1 point)





The universal sign for choking is:(1 point)


Inability to cough forcefully.
Inability to cough forcefully.

The inability to speak.
The inability to speak.

Loss of consciousness.
Loss of consciousness.

Clutching the throat

Clutching the throat.