Analyze the location of São Paulo. What land feature is it

built on? (1 point)
the Brazil Highlands plateau
Lagos island
the Atlantic Coast
the East China Sea

The location of São Paulo is built on the Brazil Highlands plateau.

The land feature on which São Paulo is built is the Brazil Highlands plateau.

To analyze the location of São Paulo and determine the land feature it is built on, we can follow these steps:

1. Locate São Paulo: São Paulo is a city in Brazil, specifically in the southeastern part of the country.

2. Identify the land feature: The land feature on which São Paulo is built is the Brazil Highlands plateau.

The Brazil Highlands plateau, also known as the Brazilian Plateau or the Brazilian Highlands, is a vast geographical region in central, southern, and southeastern Brazil. It covers a significant portion of the country and is characterized by its elevated terrain and plateaus. This land feature is the dominant geographical feature in the region where São Paulo is located.

Therefore, the correct answer is that São Paulo is built on the Brazil Highlands plateau.