) Analyze the location of São Paulo. What land feature is it built on? (1 point)

the Brazil Highlands plateau
the East China Sea
the Atlantic Coast
Lagos island

The land feature São Paulo is built on is the Brazil Highlands plateau.

) In geography, the concept of situation describes a settlement's spatial location.

The statement that best analyzes how strong technology industries help global cities become major business centers of tourism and trade is: "They attract a larger workforce and produce goods the world needs."

The best fit for the definition of a global city is: "a city that serves a function beyond its immediate area, functioning on a global scale and performing services integral to the world economy."

) In geography, the concept of situation describes what? (1 point)

a settlement’s physical location
a settlement’s spatial location
a settlement’s political environment
a settlement’s economic environment

) Which statement best analyzes how strong technology industries help global cities become major business centers of tourism and trade?

(1 point)
They provide raw materials to make products.
They provide access to oceans, rivers, and other waterways for trading.
They attract tourists to visit the global city.
They attract a larger workforce and produce goods the world needs.

) Identify which of the following best fits the definition of a global city. (1 point)

a country’s largest city, often disproportionately large, that is particularly expressive of the country’s culture
the city in a country where the seat of government is held
a city that serves a function beyond its immediate area, functioning on a global scale and performing services integral to the world economy
a central area where financial services, investment companies, and other businesses have their headquarters