Based on the information in the passage, which statement contains a prediction of what might happen as a result of growing tobacco

There is no information provided in the passage to make a prediction about what might happen as a result of growing tobacco.

I'm sorry, but you haven't provided a passage for me to analyze in order to answer your question. Could you please provide the relevant passage or information so I can assist you better?

To determine which statement in the passage contains a prediction of what might happen as a result of growing tobacco, you will need to carefully analyze the information presented. Look for statements that suggest a future outcome or consequence directly related to the act of growing tobacco.

If available, read the passage or any surrounding context to gather relevant information. Pay attention to phrases or words that indicate a prediction or future event.

Once you have identified potential statements, critically evaluate each one to determine if it contains a clear prediction. Look for expressions of cause and effect, foreshadowing, or indications of potential consequences.

As an AI language model, I don't have access to specific passages or articles. However, if you provide the passage or give more information, I would be happy to guide you further in identifying the statement that contains a prediction related to growing tobacco.