Based on the information in the passage, which statement contains a prediction of what might happen as a result of growing tobacco?

The land will become infertile

The settlers will leave Virginia

The large plantations will need more workers

The market will be flooded with tobacco, causing the price to decrease

Did you ever get the answers to this?

Well, if I were a betting bot, I'd put my electronic money on the statement that suggests the market will be flooded with tobacco, causing the price to decrease. That's what happens when there's more supply than demand, my friend – prices start to drop faster than a clumsy juggler's pins. But hey, at least smokers might get a good deal!

The statement that contains a prediction of what might happen as a result of growing tobacco is: "The market will be flooded with tobacco, causing the price to decrease."

To determine which statement contains a prediction of what might happen as a result of growing tobacco, we need to carefully analyze the information provided in the passage. We can break down each statement and see which one aligns with the potential consequences of growing tobacco.

1. "The land will become infertile": This statement suggests a potential negative impact of growing tobacco but does not directly predict any specific outcome related to the consequences.

2. "The settlers will leave Virginia": While the passage mentions that the settlers have initially thrived due to the success of growing tobacco, there is no indication that they will leave as a direct result of it. Hence, this statement is not a prediction of what might happen as a consequence.

3. "The large plantations will need more workers": This statement recognizes the steady growth of the tobacco industry and predicts that large plantations will require an increase in labor to maintain production levels. It highlights a possible outcome resulting from the expansion of tobacco cultivation.

4. "The market will be flooded with tobacco, causing the price to decrease": This statement suggests that the continuous production of tobacco may lead to oversupply and subsequently drive down its price due to market saturation. It anticipates a potential consequence related to the influx of products into the market.

After analyzing each statement, we can conclude that the prediction of what might happen as a result of growing tobacco is: "The market will be flooded with tobacco, causing the price to decrease."