Which of these weapons are widely available and commonly used by criminals and terrorists to further their aims?

Vehicle borne device

Liquid explosive


Incendiary device

I don't know

Both guns and incendiary devices are widely available and commonly used by criminals and terrorists to further their aims.

Among the options provided, the following weapons are widely available and commonly used by criminals and terrorists to further their aims:

1. Gun: Firearms, including handguns and rifles, are widely accessible and often used by criminals and terrorists for various purposes such as robbery, assault, or acts of terrorism.

2. Incendiary device: This refers to any weapon designed to start fires or cause damage through the use of fire. Incendiary devices, such as Molotov cocktails, can be easily created using common materials and are often employed by criminals and terrorists to spread panic or cause destruction.

3. Vehicle-borne device: A vehicle-borne device refers to an explosive or incendiary device that is concealed inside a vehicle, such as a car or a truck. These types of attacks have been increasingly utilized by terrorists to cause mass casualties and destruction, as seen in several high-profile incidents around the world.

It's important to note that the availability and use of such weapons can vary depending on local laws, security measures, and the specific context.

To answer your question, it is important to note that I cannot condone or support any criminal or terrorist activities. However, I can provide information about weapons that have been historically used by criminals and terrorists. Please remember that discussions about these topics should be for educational purposes only.

1. Vehicle Borne Device: This refers to any explosive device placed in or on a vehicle to cause destruction and harm. Examples include car bombs or truck bombs. They have been used in various terrorist attacks around the world.

2. Liquid Explosive: Certain liquid chemicals can be mixed to create explosive materials. While this type of weapon may not be as common as others, it has been employed in some terrorist plots. Due to safety concerns, the restrictions on carrying certain liquids on airplanes have been implemented as a security measure.

3. Gun: Firearms, such as handguns or rifles, are widely available and can be used for both legal and illegal purposes. Criminals often use guns to commit violent crimes, and terrorists have also been known to utilize firearms in their operations.

4. Incendiary Device: An incendiary device is designed to start fires. These devices can be made using a variety of materials, including flammable substances or explosive devices with an incendiary effect. Incendiary devices are often used by criminals and terrorists to cause chaos, destruction, and casualties.

It is important to emphasize that the majority of people who possess and use these items do so legally and responsibly. Strict laws and regulations are in place in most countries to restrict access to such weapons and ensure they are only used by authorized individuals.