Which statement best explains how Peter the Great and

Catherine the Great expanded their power at the expense of
Russia’s serfs? (1 point)
Both created the Charter of the Nobility.
Both forced serfs to build St. Petersburg.
Both forced serfs to fight in the military for 25 years.
Both gave nobles more power over Russia’s serfs

The correct statement that explains how Peter the Great and Catherine the Great expanded their power at the expense of Russia's serfs is: "Both gave nobles more power over Russia's serfs."

To determine which statement best explains how Peter the Great and Catherine the Great expanded their power at the expense of Russia's serfs, we need to analyze each statement and understand the historical context.

1. "Both created the Charter of the Nobility": While both Peter the Great and Catherine the Great created the Charter of the Nobility, which granted rights and privileges to the Russian nobility, it does not directly explain how they expanded their power at the expense of the serfs.

2. "Both forced serfs to build St. Petersburg": Peter the Great did indeed force serfs to build the city of St. Petersburg. The construction of this new capital city required a significant labor force, and serfs were often conscripted and subject to harsh conditions during this process. However, Catherine the Great did not continue this specific practice.

3. "Both forced serfs to fight in the military for 25 years": This statement is incorrect. While Peter the Great did introduce conscription and build a powerful military, he did not force serfs to serve for 25 years. The introduction of conscription affected all social classes, including the nobility, and aimed to modernize the Russian army.

4. "Both gave nobles more power over Russia's serfs": This statement is accurate. Both Peter the Great and Catherine the Great strengthened the power of the nobility, allowing them more control over the serfs. This often led to increased exploitation and oppression of the serf population.

Based on this analysis, the statement that best explains how Peter the Great and Catherine the Great expanded their power at the expense of Russia's serfs is: "Both gave nobles more power over Russia's serfs." This is because both rulers strengthened the position of the nobility, which in turn resulted in greater control over the serfs.

Both created the Charter of the Nobility.