Which statement best compares the absolutism practiced by Louis XIV and Peter the Great?(1 point)

Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute power, while Peter the Great was closer to a true absolute ruler.
Louis XIV and Peter the Great were both successful absolute rulers.
Louis XIV needed to work constantly to expand his power, while Peter the Great was the unquestioned
ruler of Russia.
Louis XIV ruled by relying on a large bureaucracy, while Peter the Great was independent of all

The statement that best compares the absolutism practiced by Louis XIV and Peter the Great is: "Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute power, while Peter the Great was closer to a true absolute ruler."

To determine which statement best compares the absolutism practiced by Louis XIV and Peter the Great, we can analyze each option one by one.

1. Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute power, while Peter the Great was closer to a true absolute ruler.
Explanation: To assess this statement, we need to consider the extent of their power and control. Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, centralized power in France and presented himself as an all-powerful ruler. He established a royal court at Versailles and required the nobility to live there, which reinforced his authority. Peter the Great, on the other hand, implemented various reforms in Russia, modernizing the country and strengthening his control over it. He aimed to Westernize Russia and drastically transformed its culture, military, and administration. Both rulers had significant power, but the statement implies that Peter the Great was closer to being a true absolute ruler due to his reforms and modernization efforts.

2. Louis XIV and Peter the Great were both successful absolute rulers.
Explanation: This statement suggests that both Louis XIV and Peter the Great were successful in their pursuits of absolute power. While it is true that both rulers achieved considerable levels of control and dominance during their reigns, it does not compare or contrast their methods or strategies of ruling.

3. Louis XIV needed to work constantly to expand his power, while Peter the Great was the unquestioned ruler of Russia.
Explanation: This statement highlights a potential difference in the way Louis XIV and Peter the Great acquired and maintained their power. Louis XIV indeed dedicated much effort to expand his control, engaging in wars and pursuing territorial gains to strengthen his influence and prestige. Meanwhile, Peter the Great consolidated his power over Russia and did not face significant challenges to his authority within the country. This implies that Louis XIV had to actively work to expand his power, whereas Peter the Great faced less internal resistance.

4. Louis XIV ruled by relying on a large bureaucracy, while Peter the Great was independent of all administration.
Explanation: This statement contrasts the ruling style of Louis XIV and Peter the Great. Louis XIV effectively utilized a vast bureaucracy to govern France, implementing an elaborate system of ministers, advisors, and state officials to assist in the administration of the country. On the other hand, Peter the Great, though he did have administrators and officials, personally involved himself in the day-to-day affairs of the Russian state, often bypassing bureaucracy and making decisions independently. This implies that Louis XIV relied on a bureaucratic structure, while Peter the Great exhibited a more hands-on approach to ruling.

Based on the explanations provided, the statement that best compares the absolutism practiced by Louis XIV and Peter the Great is:
"Louis XIV ruled by relying on a large bureaucracy, while Peter the Great was independent of all administration."