What principle of design is present in this image? (1 point) Responses symmetrical balance from shape usage symmetrical balance from shape usage radial balance from line usage radial balance from line usage emphasis from color usage emphasis from color usage movement from texture usage

The principle of design present in this image is symmetrical balance from shape usage.

The principle of design that is present in this image is symmetrical balance from shape usage.

To determine which principle of design is present in the image, let's break down each option and see which one best fits.

1. Symmetrical balance from shape usage: This principle refers to creating balance in a design by evenly distributing shapes on either side of an imaginary center line. To identify this principle, look for identical or similar shapes mirrored across an axis.

2. Radial balance from line usage: Radial balance involves arranging elements around a central focal point. It relies on the use of radiating lines or a circular arrangement to create visual balance.

3. Emphasis from color usage: This principle involves using color to draw attention to a specific area or element within the design. It relies on contrasting colors, intense hues, or strategic color placement to create a focal point.

4. Movement from texture usage: Movement refers to creating a sense of motion or visual flow within a design. Texture can contribute to movement by creating implied lines or patterns that guide the viewer's eye through the composition.

Based on these explanations, it's necessary to analyze the image to determine the most suitable principle.

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