In Spanish, how do you say “Where are the posters”? (1 point) Responses ¿Dónde está los cartels? ¿Dónde está los cartels? ¿Dónde están los carteles? ¿Dónde están los carteles? ¿Dónde están los carteces? ¿Dónde están los carteces? ¿Dónde está los cartelses?

The correct response is: ¿Dónde están los carteles?

The correct way to say "Where are the posters?" in Spanish is "¿Dónde están los carteles?"

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand that the word "posters" translates to "carteles" in Spanish. Additionally, "Where are" is translated to "¿Dónde están?" since we are referring to multiple posters.

By analyzing the given options, we can see that the correct answer is the third option, "¿Dónde están los carteles?"

The correct phrase to say "Where are the posters?" in Spanish is "¿Dónde están los carteles?"

In Spanish, how do you say “There are some backpacks under the table.”? (1 point) Responses Hay un mochilas debajo del mesa. Hay un mochilas debajo del mesa. Es una mochila debajo de la mesa. Es una mochila debajo de la mesa. Hay unas mochilas detrás de la mesa. Hay unas mochilas detrás de la mesa. Hay unas mochilas debajo de la mesa. Hay unas mochilas debajo de la mesa.

The correct response is: Hay unas mochilas debajo de la mesa.

In Spanish, how are the words “está” and “están” similar but different? (1 point) Responses They are both third-person forms of the verb “estar,” and one is singular and the other plural. They are both third-person forms of the verb “estar,” and one is singular and the other plural. They are both first-person forms of the verb “estar,” and one is often used and one is seldom used. They are both first-person forms of the verb “estar,” and one is often used and one is seldom used. They are both second-person forms of the verb “estar” and one is masculine and one is feminine. They are both second-person forms of the verb “estar” and one is masculine and one is feminine. They are both singular forms of the verb “estar,” and one is formal and the other is informal.

The correct response is: They are both third-person forms of the verb "estar," and one is singular and the other plural.

Which of the following is a main difference between history classes in the U.S. and Mexico? (1 point) Responses In Latin America, history classes do not include region-specific topics. In Latin America, history classes do not include region-specific topics. In Los Estados Unidos, history classes do not include region-specific topics. In Los Estados Unidos, history classes do not include region-specific topics. In México, the curriculum only covers international and national history. In México, the curriculum only covers international and national history. In Los Estados Unidos, the curriculum covers topics about regions in Los Estados Unidos. In Los Estados Unidos, the curriculum covers topics about regions in Los Estados Unidos.

The correct response is: In Los Estados Unidos, the curriculum covers topics about regions in Los Estados Unidos.

What is most likely the reason for the long-term popularity of Platero y yo? (1 point) Responses People love to read about donkeys, rustic villages, and little boys. People love to read about donkeys, rustic villages, and little boys. People appreciate books that are presented in dual-language format. People appreciate books that are presented in dual-language format. People like the combination of whimsical poetry, a warm friendship, and the trials of life. People like the combination of whimsical poetry, a warm friendship, and the trials of life. People love to read books by Juan Ramón Jiménez because the author was the most famous mystery writer of his time.