In Spanish, how do you say “Where are the posters”?

A. ¿Dónde está los cartels?
B. ¿Dónde están los carteles?
C. ¿Dónde están los carteces?
D. ¿Dónde está los cartelses?

B. ¿Dónde están los carteles?

Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was outstanding in his field!

The correct answer is B. "¿Dónde están los carteles?"

The correct answer is B. "¿Dónde están los carteles?"

To determine the correct translation, you need to understand a few concepts related to the Spanish language:

1. Verbs: In Spanish, verbs generally agree with the subject in terms of singular or plural form. The verb "estar" (to be), used in the question, agrees with the subject "los carteles" (the posters), which is plural. Therefore, the correct form is "están," not "está."

2. Gender and number agreement: In Spanish, both nouns and adjectives agree with the gender and number of the noun they modify. The noun "carteles" (posters) is masculine and plural, so any related words must also be masculine and plural. With this in mind, we can eliminate options A and C.

3. Plural articles: The correct translation for "the" in Spanish depends on whether the noun it precedes is singular or plural. In this case, we are referring to multiple posters, so the plural definite article "los" should be used, eliminating option D.

Putting all of these concepts together, the correct translation for "Where are the posters?" is "¿Dónde están los carteles?"