Explain how feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants.(1 point) Responses

Peasants received tithes in return for working the lords’ land. Peasants received tithes in return for working the lords’ land.
Their agreement allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor. Their agreement allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor.
Their agreement allowed peasants to avoid working on Catholic Church lands. Their agreement allowed peasants to avoid working on Catholic Church lands.
Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided.

Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided.

The lords provided peasants with protection and land, which gave them a sense of security and stability. In return, peasants would work the lords' land and give them a portion of their crops or income. This system of exchange, known as the feudal agreement, allowed the lords to exert power and control over the peasants. Additionally, the lords had the authority to enforce laws, collect taxes, and settle disputes within their territory, further solidifying their control over the peasants.

Feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants through various means. One important factor was the exchange of services and resources between the lords and the peasants. In the feudal system, peasants received protection from the lords in exchange for their labor and obedience. This arrangement allowed peasants to have access to land for farming and provided them with a certain level of safety and security.

One way in which the lords maintained control over peasants was by granting them land to cultivate. In return, the peasants were obligated to work the lords' lands and give a portion of their harvest as rent. This system, known as serfdom, ensured that the lords had a steady source of labor and agricultural production.

Additionally, the lords had the authority to enforce laws and justice within their manors. They acted as the ultimate governing authority, making decisions and settling disputes among the peasants. This gave them significant power and control over the daily lives of the peasants.

Furthermore, the lords often held economic power over the peasants. They could levy various taxes and fees on the peasants, such as tithes or fees for using common resources like forests or water sources. These economic burdens, coupled with the control over land and justice, allowed the lords to maintain a strong hold over the peasants.

Overall, feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants by providing them with the necessary resources, such as land and protection, and by enforcing a system of obligations and dependence.