Sam is traveling for a cross country event it takes her 56 minutes to run 8 miles what is the unit rate of minutes per mile

To find the unit rate of minutes per mile, divide the total number of minutes by the total number of miles.

Minutes per mile = Total minutes / Total miles

In this case, the total minutes is 56 minutes and the total miles is 8 miles.

Minutes per mile = 56 minutes / 8 miles

Simplifying the equation, we get:

Minutes per mile = 7 minutes/mile

Therefore, the unit rate of minutes per mile is 7 minutes per mile.

To find the unit rate of minutes per mile, we need to divide the total time it takes (in minutes) by the distance traveled in miles.

In this case, Sam's total time is 56 minutes and the distance is 8 miles.

So, to find the unit rate, we divide the total time by the distance:

Unit Rate = Total Time / Distance

Unit Rate = 56 minutes / 8 miles

Calculating this, the unit rate of minutes per mile for Sam is:

Unit Rate = 7 minutes per mile

To find the unit rate of minutes per mile, divide the total time it took by the total distance.

In this case, Sam traveled 8 miles in 56 minutes.

So, the unit rate of minutes per mile is:

56 minutes ÷ 8 miles = 7 minutes per mile.