The roads of New Orleans remained flooded due to the hurricane. Which type of relationship is used in the sentence? (1 point) Responses

cause/effect relationship
item/category relationship
similarities/differences relationship
part/whole relationship

The relationship used in the sentence is a cause/effect relationship.

The type of relationship used in the sentence is the cause/effect relationship.

The type of relationship used in the sentence is a cause/effect relationship.

To identify the type of relationship, we need to understand the cause and effect being described. In this case, the cause is the hurricane, and the effect is the roads remaining flooded. The hurricane has directly caused the flooding of the roads. This cause and effect relationship indicates that one event (the hurricane) has resulted in another event (the flooded roads). Therefore, the answer is a cause/effect relationship.

Tay is learning about chords, beats, harmony, canon, and rhythm in music class. Which type of vocabulary is Tay learning?(1 point) Responses

general academic

Tay is learning subject-specific vocabulary in music class.

The play we watched was a parody of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. It was a hilarious imitation of the classic monster novel. Which word provides context for the meaning of the word parody? (1 point) Responses play play imitation imitation novel novel classic

Which word provides context for the meaning of the word parody? (1 point) Responses


The word "Frankenstein" provides context for the meaning of the word "parody."

wrong. choose from theese choices

play imitation novel classic

Apologies for the misunderstanding. The correct answer is "Frankenstein" provides context for the meaning of the word "parody."