Tonisha has a lemonade stand. She has $36 in expenses and wants to make at least $55 per day. If x represents the amount of revenue from selling lemonade, an inequality to represent the amount of revenue she would need to generate would be: (2 points)

x - 36 ≥ 55

To represent the amount of revenue Tonisha would need to generate, we can set up the following inequality:

x - 36 ≥ 55

The variable x represents the amount of revenue from selling lemonade. Since Tonisha wants to make at least $55 per day, we set up the inequality with a greater than or equal to sign (≥).

To calculate the revenue, we subtract the expenses (represented by 36) from the revenue (represented by x), and this should be greater than or equal to $55.

To represent the amount of revenue Tonisha would need to generate, we can use the inequality: x ≥ $55.

Here, "x" represents the revenue from selling lemonade, and she wants to make at least $55 per day. The symbol "≥" means "greater than or equal to," indicating that the revenue needs to be equal to or greater than $55.