Tonisha has a lemonade stand. She has $36 in expenses and wants to make at least $55 per day. If x represents the amount of revenue from selling lemonade, an inequality to represent the amount of revenue she would need to generate would be

x blank 36 blank 55

+ - < > ≥ ≤

x - 36 ≥ 55

Tonisha needs to sell (refer back to the previous answer you selected and solve the inequality)

x blank blank

< > ≥ ≤ 19 91

Tonisha needs to sell x ≥ 91 units of lemonade in order to generate at least $55 in revenue after $36 in expenses.

Lamont has purchased 20 trading cards and wants to have at most 50 trading cards. Write and solve an inequality to find the number of trading cards Lamont needs. Select all of the true statements.

x + 20 ≥ 50

x + 20 ≤ 50

x ≥ 30

x ≤ 30

x ≥ 70

The correct inequality and true statements would be:

x + 20 ≤ 50

x ≤ 30

At a campground, kayak rental company A charges a fixed amount of $10 plus $8 per hour for renting a one-person kayak. Company B charges a fixed amount of $6 plus $10 per hour for a one-person kayak. Write and solve an inequality representing the number of hours where Option A will be the cheaper rental company. Let x represent the number of hours.

10 + 8x > 6 + 10x; x < 2

6+10x < 10 + 8x; x > 2

10+ 8x < 6 + 10x; x > 2

6 + 10 x > 10 + 8x; x < 2

The correct inequality would be:

10 + 8x < 6 + 10x; x < 2

This represents the number of hours where Option A will be the cheaper rental company.

Solve and graph the solution to the compound inequality.

−4x ≥ 36 or x − 7 ≥ −3

x ≤ 5

x ≤ -9 or x ≥ 4

x ≤ -5 or x > -3

x ≥ 4

The correct answer is:

x ≤ -9 or x ≥ 4

Solve and graph the compound inequality on a number line.

x/4< −1 and x + 6 > −2

x > -6

{All Real Numbers}

-6 < x < 6

-8 < x < -4