
increased, economic, military power

There are several factors that can contribute to increased economic and military power:

1. Economic Growth: A country with high levels of economic growth tends to have increased economic power. This growth can be attributed to various factors such as increased productivity, technological advancements, infrastructure development, and investment in human capital.

2. Natural Resources: Countries that possess abundant natural resources such as oil, gas, minerals, or arable land can leverage them to increase their economic power. These resources can be exported or utilized domestically to fuel economic growth and generate revenue.

3. Trade and International Relations: Engaging in international trade and having strong diplomatic relations with other countries can enhance a country's economic power. Favorable trade agreements, access to international markets, and effective diplomacy can boost a nation's economic influence.

4. Technological Advancements: Countries that invest in research and development, innovation, and high-tech industries tend to have increased economic power. Technological advancements can improve productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness, giving a country an edge in the global economy.

5. Military Spending and Technology: A nation's military power can be enhanced by investing in advanced weaponry systems, technology, and a well-trained and equipped military. Strong military capabilities can deter potential adversaries and provide security for a country, thereby increasing its power and influence.

6. Political Stability and Governance: Countries with stable political systems and effective governance tend to have better economic and military power. Political stability encourages long-term economic planning, attracts foreign investments, and provides a predictable environment for businesses to thrive.

7. Education and Human Capital: Investing in education and developing a highly skilled and educated workforce can significantly contribute to a country's economic power. A well-educated populace can drive innovation, boost productivity, and attract foreign investment.

It is important to note that these factors are interrelated and often influence each other. Additionally, other factors such as geographical location, population size, and historical events can also play a role in determining a country's economic and military power.

Increased economic and military power can be achieved through a combination of factors, including:

1. Economic Growth: To increase economic power, a country needs to focus on promoting and facilitating economic growth. This can be done by implementing policies that foster investment, innovation, and productivity. The government can provide a stable and conducive business environment, promote international trade through favorable trade agreements, and invest in infrastructure development.

2. Investment in Research and Development: Investing in research and development (R&D) is crucial for technological advancement and innovation, which in turn can enhance both economic and military capabilities. By allocating resources to R&D, a country can develop cutting-edge technologies, drive industry growth, and remain competitive in the global arena.

3. Strong Education System: A well-developed and robust education system is essential for developing a highly skilled workforce. This enables a country to utilize its human resources effectively, fostering innovation and productivity. A highly educated population can contribute to economic growth and support the development of advanced military capabilities.

4. Defense Expenditure: Increasing defense spending is an important factor in building military power. By allocating more resources to defense, a country can enhance its military capabilities, acquire modern equipment and technology, and invest in research and development for defense purposes.

5. Strategic Alliances: Developing strategic alliances and partnerships with other countries can also contribute to increased economic and military power. Collaborations in areas such as trade, technology transfer, military cooperation, and intelligence sharing can help countries leverage each other's strengths and resources.

It is important to note that achieving increased economic and military power is a complex and long-term process that requires a comprehensive strategic approach, vision, and continuous efforts in various areas.

To answer your question step-by-step, there are several factors that can increase both economic and military power:

1. Economic growth: A country that experiences sustained economic growth will generally see an increase in its economic power. This growth can be driven by factors such as increased productivity, technological advancements, investments in infrastructure, and the development of key industries.

2. Trade: Engaging in international trade can enhance a country's economic power. By exporting goods and services, a nation can generate revenue, create jobs, and improve its balance of trade. Strong trading relationships with other countries can also create opportunities for economic cooperation and growth.

3. Natural resources: Countries that possess abundant and valuable natural resources, such as oil, gas, minerals, or agricultural products, can leverage these resources to enhance their economic power. Resource-rich nations can often generate significant revenue through exports, and the wealth generated can be invested in other sectors to further improve economic capabilities.

4. Technological advancements: Investing in research and development, innovation, and technology can boost both economic and military power. Technological advancements can enhance productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness in various sectors. It may also lead to the development of advanced military capabilities, such as advanced weapons systems or cyber warfare capabilities.

5. Human capital: A well-educated and skilled workforce can contribute to economic growth and military power. Countries that invest in education and training to develop their human capital are likely to have a competitive edge in various sectors. Skilled workers can drive innovation, productivity, and economic development, while a well-trained military force can enhance a country's defense capabilities.

6. Defense spending: Allocating a significant portion of a country's budget to defense spending can contribute to military power. Increasing military capabilities, such as modernizing equipment, developing advanced weaponry, and expanding the size and training of military forces, can enhance a nation's military strength and influence.

It is important to note that while these factors can contribute to increased economic and military power, there are also other complex geopolitical, social, and cultural factors involved.