Which of the following contributed to the increased economic and military power of the Sumerians?

A. The invention of the wheel

B. The development of irrigation systems
C. The domestication of animals
D. The use of bronze weapons

B. The development of irrigation systems

The increased economic and military power of the Sumerians can be attributed to several factors. Here are some of the key factors that contributed to their rise:

1. Agricultural Surplus: The Sumerians developed advanced irrigation systems, such as canals and levees, which allowed them to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This led to increased agricultural productivity and a surplus of food, enabling population growth and specialization.

2. Trade and Commerce: The Sumerians were situated in a region with abundant natural resources, including clay for bricks, wood, and stone. They established trade networks with neighboring regions, exchanging goods and resources. This trade brought wealth and allowed the Sumerians to access valuable materials like metals and gemstones.

3. Urbanization and Labor Division: Sumerian cities grew rapidly, leading to the development of complex social structures and organized labor divisions. This specialization allowed for the efficient production of goods and services, enhancing economic output.

4. Technological Advancements: The Sumerians were pioneers in several technological advancements. They developed the first known system of writing called cuneiform, which enabled record-keeping, administration, and communication. They also developed advanced techniques in pottery, metallurgy, and textiles, which contributed to their economic prosperity and military capabilities.

5. Military Innovation: The Sumerians faced various conflicts with neighboring city-states, which led them to develop a strong military. They implemented innovations such as the invention of the wheel, which revolutionized transportation and warfare. The Sumerians also developed advanced weapons, such as chariots and composite bows, which gave them a military advantage.

Overall, these factors, including agricultural surplus, trade networks, urbanization, technological advancements, and military innovations, played a vital role in the increased economic and military power of the Sumerians.